If I Could
"(...) So we talked about what song I might be seating on – song or songs – there’s a chance to play “If I Could”, ‘cause I played the melodica on that song in Japan, on the Japan tour and… You know, every time I play a song, I always ask...you know, what the song’s about to Jack, I just love when Jack gets into his moment of describing a song, where the inspiration came from, so it’s always a cool thing – I always ask about every song...
As I recall, the story was that a friend of his is having some problems, like an illness... If you could go in there and change things, and make things better, the willingness to do that, that spirit is what really the song’s about..."
Money Mark on Jack Johnson's "If I Could";
Jack Johnson, ALO, Money Mark, Matt Costa and G. Love, “A Weekend at the Greek”
If I Could, Jack Johnson (In Between Dreams)
A brand new baby was born yesterday,
Just in time
Papa cried, baby cried
Said, your tears are like mine
I heard some words
from a friend on the phone,
didn't sound so good
The doctor gave him two weeks to live
I'd give him more if I could
You know that I would now
If only I could
You know that I would now
If only I could
Down the middle drops one more
grain of sand
They say that
new life makes losing life easier to understand
Words are kind
they help ease the mind
I miss my old friend
And though you gotta go
we'll keep a piece of your soul
One goes out
One comes in
You know that I would now
If only I could
You know that I would now
If only I could
As I recall, the story was that a friend of his is having some problems, like an illness... If you could go in there and change things, and make things better, the willingness to do that, that spirit is what really the song’s about..."
Money Mark on Jack Johnson's "If I Could";
Jack Johnson, ALO, Money Mark, Matt Costa and G. Love, “A Weekend at the Greek”
If I Could, Jack Johnson (In Between Dreams)
A brand new baby was born yesterday,
Just in time
Papa cried, baby cried
Said, your tears are like mine
I heard some words
from a friend on the phone,
didn't sound so good
The doctor gave him two weeks to live
I'd give him more if I could
You know that I would now
If only I could
You know that I would now
If only I could
Down the middle drops one more
grain of sand
They say that
new life makes losing life easier to understand
Words are kind
they help ease the mind
I miss my old friend
And though you gotta go
we'll keep a piece of your soul
One goes out
One comes in
You know that I would now
If only I could
You know that I would now
If only I could
já há muito tempo que nao tinhamos uma letra de música.
não lhe queres juntar uma dedicatória bonita e dedicar à tua melhor amiga?
ahahaha beijinhos
Posted by
Zé Bandeirinha |
13/10/06 7:44 da manhã
Tens razão. A letra da música era dispensável. Só a pús, aliás, para as pessoas saberem de que música se tratava. Porque o que achei interessante foi mesmo o texto...
Mas já que aqui está, aproveita para a ler e pensa se seria "à minha melhor amiga" que dedicaria esta música. Verás que a dedicaria a uma, mas, (felizmente?), não à melhor. Pensa nisso ;)
Btw: eu percebi que se tratava de uma piada. Seria pedir muito que as guardasses para posts sobre o Cláudio Ramos ou assuntos do género?
Posted by
António Pedro |
16/10/06 3:48 da manhã
Correcção: não é "pús", mas "pus"...
Posted by
António Pedro |
16/10/06 3:49 da manhã